Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day PIN success

  These are the tutorials/printables/ ideas that we are using for Father's day.

Salted Pretzel caramel brownies
 We decided to wait to make these because I made so many yummy Wookie cookies(just the chocolate chip cookie recipe from the Chocolate chip bag). I'm excited to make these though so I'll leave the link here. :)

I will be using this chicken recipe to fill enchiladas per his request. I use2 TBS of a ranch recipe I found on pinterest instead of the packets you can buy at the store. It's nice to eliminate MSG when possible.
Cafe Rio Chicken
Here's an example of a Ranch Recipe that would work. There are many more and any of them should be fine for this recipe.
Homemade Ranch

I made a Monogrammed (MW) car kit to hold his sunglasses/glasses/contact solution. Matt's job travels around a bit so it will be nice for him to have these things easily handy. Hopefully he will find it thoughtful as it is useful. It's definitely not perfect but it is still functional. :)  If I had been less lazy and used the same color thread instead of black it would look better.  He appreciated the thought/usefulness of it and the Sunglasses the most.
Car kit

I also bought him a DVD and some new sunglasses(his have gone missing) I think he will like.

We decided to go with a Star Wars theme.  Instead of a medal we are giving Dada a freezer stencil Bounty Hunter shirt.  My boys helped me pick out the design and fill in the stencil with paint.  I used my silhouette and Dafont's Galaxy Far Far Way(Boba Fett) to cut it out but you can use an exacto knife or scissors I will update with photos. I found the bounty hunter symbol through a google search and traced it. We are using the Star Wars printables linked below. The boys helped me glue on the labels and helped me make cookies on Sunday morning for the Wookie Cookies.we left out some of the labels i.e. Hans Rolos and Leia's buns just cause I wasn't sure if Matt would like those treats as much. I switched the chocolate dipped pretzels for glow sticks for the Lightsabers.

Father's Day Star Wars printables
Freezer Paper Stencil Tutorial

I saw an idea on Dating Divas for making notes and hiding them around the house for Father's day.  They used fancy paper.  I just used my silhouette to cut out simple note cards and had the boys put down what they love most about Dada.  My 7 year old wrote his own and I wrote/translated for the 5 and 2 year old.  I made four notecards for each of us.  We hid them on Sunday morning while Dada slept in.
Here's where I got the idea that I simplified...
Why I Love You

I had the kids fill out this questionnaire and  draw a picture at the bottom.
Time to Celebrate Fathers

 I hope he feels appreciated and loved as we go through the day. :)


  1. He should feel fully loved!And enjoy your creative thoughtfulness. Go YOU!

  2. Ashers words were so precious! I want to see what the other boys said too. Sometime...
    You really went all out this year, I'll bet the boys loved it as much as Matt did.
