Alma 32:41

...Nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Project 365

This was my house on Jan 20th. A mess. There's folded clean laundry on the couch. And piles of clutter on every surface. Not keeping my New Year's resolution to keep the house cleaner so well... In my defense we were without a dishwasher for over a week and then after that kids and I got sick and DH has been working late so.... But enough with the excuses it's time to resolve again...
In scrapbooking they are doing project 365 where you take a photo a day and scrapbook the week. So I have decided to take a photo a day of my new year's resolutions and scrapbook my progress throughout the year. Talk about accountability!!! Should really motivate me. I hope that by the end of the year I will be able to take a photo of any corner of my house without cringing. Baby steps by baby steps.
So I will start with the main living areas of the house- the parts that people see when they come over- that's three rooms- the front room, kitchen, and guest bath. My goal is to have them presentable and find better organizational systems for them/get rid of extra stuff.

In my entryway it is time for the changing table to leave- we bought a toy chest at good will that I will refinish and we will put that there. It should be great storage...I just need to decide what will go in it. :) And then not overfill it...

I have two desks one built in and one that is my sewing desk. I don't plan on combining them but I need to utilize them better. So I need to decide on storage solutions for them...

I will keep up on the dishes! I need to catch up first... but then I will keep up!

I will clean my bathroom whenever I give the kids a bath.

Toys will get picked up before Kaden can watch a show while waiting for Dad to come home.

So the bottom three I will do everyday and the top two are weekend projects. Yesterday I charged my battery on my camera...I will post photos from today... a little later. :) I will throw in photos of other resolutions occasionally too.

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