Alma 32:41

...Nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life.

Monday, August 18, 2008

roller coaster and projects!

So not long after I wrote my last post I got terrible news. My cousin, David "Jeff" Smith, died in a work accident. We grew up together in Michigan and I will miss him terribly. He knew how to live. He was a hard worker; he actively volunteered himself to help out with anything that needed to be done; he smiled constantly and made others smile; and most importantly he loved unconditionally. He was amazing and I know that he continues to be amazing. I look forward to the eventual day when we will be reunited. I was able to go out to Michigan for his funeral. It was beautiful, and painful, and emotionally draining. On a positive note Asher was a bright spot for everyone and got to meet many important family members. Above is Asher with his second cousin Jonathan.

Since I've gotten home I have completed two projects! My house is a mess! And my Mom-in-law gets here on Thursday! I am happy to have finished my projects though. :) First I finished this messenger bag for Kaden to take his toys to church with him. I am hoping it will work as a scripture bag when he is older too. He always wants a purse and a ht when he goes out so I thought this would be the more manly way to accomodate that. Plus it frees up space in my diaper bag and makes him more responsible right? :) I found the tutorial through Thirty Handmade Days. The tutorial is under July, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Kiddie Messenger bag from jeans.

I sent my 50 day package home with my bro-in-law to give to our Sis-in-law. I made a large (41x41) flannel receiving blanket from the two fabrics pictured above. I have never done top stitching before and I quickly discovered that straight lines are not for I decided to go even more decorative and made it curvy. Too bad I decided that after I finished one side. Well it looked pretty curvy too just not on purpose. When Kaden first saw me get out this fabric he said,"Kaden want it. Oh, thanks , Mama. Kaden want it." Silly boy... Besides the cutting and the topstitching it is a very easy project- all straight lines. Too bad I am not so good at those. These big blankets are super useful and wonderful though so hopefully she will still get some nice use out of it even with its "character."

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